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Gnu Operating System For Mac

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  • Gnu compiler mac codeblocks free download. Code::Blocks Code::Blocks is a free, open-source, cross-platform C, C and Fortran IDE built to meet the most de.
  • GNU aka GNU/Hurd. The official name of this operating system is GNU. Hurd is the kernel in the GNU operating system. It is often listed as GNU/Hurd since there is also GNU/Linux and GNU/kFreeBSD, which are most of the GNU operating system with the Linux and FreeBSD kernels respectively.
  • 1Installing GNU Radio on MacOS X / macOS
    • 1.5From Source
    • 1.8Typical Errors and Warnings

Instructions for older versions of Mac OS X (10.6 - 10.10) Instructions for installing the GNU compilers for older versions of Mac OS X (10.6 - 10.10) have been moved and are available on another page. Tips & Warnings. I mention all but the last of these tips and warnings in the text above, but it doesn't hurt to list them a second time. I also tried installing binutils via homebrew, but it doesn't seems to ship with GNU linker. The command correctly runs in Ubuntu 14.04, but I'd like to continue developing in OS X if possible. Is there a way to obtain the same results with OS X's linker, potentially with different flags? This contains current versions (4.7 is the stable release) of gfortran (free, open source, GNU Fortran 95 compiler), gcc (GNU C) and g (GNU C) compilers that can perform auto-vectorization (i.e. Modify code to take advantage of AltiVec/SSE, automatically) and other sophisticated optimizations like.

GNU Radio has been compiled and installed on OSX 10.4 ('Tiger') through 10.15 ('Catalina') running any compatible version of Xcode on all recent and many older Macs -- whether Intel or PowerPC/PPC. There is very little support for getting the background libraries and applications installed on OSX 10.5 or earlier, nor 32-bit Intel or any PPC, though all of these should be possible. Primary support is for 64-bit Intel-based Macs running OSX 10.6 or newer.


Prerequisite:, recommended via XQuartz[edit]

Running almost any GNU Radio graphical interface (GUI) will require downloading and installing X11/XQuartz first. Through OSX 10.8, Apple provided a means to install, but XQuartz has always been more up to date and hence is recommended for use. Staring in OSX 10.9, Apple no longer provided a full working version of Hence, just use XQuartz from the get-go. Note that unless you experiment with using the Quartz interface to various graphical toolkits (e.g., GTK), you must use as the terminal interface for GNU Radio GUI applications including GRC, the GNU Radio Companion.

A note about DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and other DYLD environment variables[edit]

On OSX, the library search path is set primarily by the environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (and the few other DYLD_* variables). Because of the way the OSX dynamic library loader works, this variable works differently than the LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux. Its primary purpose is in finding libraries in a local path, such as when testing software before installing it (we use it in make test in GR), or inside an application. We strongly recommend against setting this variable globally as is typically done with Linux and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Setting any DYLD_* environment variable for general use is highly discouraged, because doing so, in our experience, leads to problems down the road that are very difficult to diagnose. OSX provides robust means for correcting DYLD-based issues even after dependencies are installed.

Via MacPorts (recommended)[edit]

If you do not already have MacPorts installed, you will need to install it first. Make sure to follow the MacPorts shell environment changes needed such that MacPorts installed executables are found before all others. These are the only changes to the shell environment needed to execute any MacPorts-installed executable!

Once MacPorts is installed, GNU Radio and all of its dependencies can be installed by executing

This method of installing GNU Radio is actively kept up to date by Michael Dickens, and hence is the recommended way to install GNU Radio on Mac OS X.

The latest developments in GNU Radio can be installed via

Please note that the gnuradio-devel port, while tested for basic compilation and functionality, is not a formal release and hence should be considered beta software which might contain bugs or major issues.

Other Package Managers[edit]

Fink and HomeBrew might provide a simple way to install GNU Radio; they are untested (as of early 2020).

From Source[edit]

Background Dependencies[edit]

There are a number of background libraries and applications that must be installed from source or binary in order to compile or execute GNU Radio. These can be obtained by using MacPorts, Fink, HomeBrew, and/or from source / scratch. MacPorts tends to be more up-to-date with respect to new releases, which can be both a blessing and a curse since sometimes new released are untested and result in build or runtime errors. MacPorts, HomeBrew, and Fink offer thousands of ready-to-install libraries and applications, and hence they are highly recommended to use instead of installing from source / scratch.

NOTE: We highly recommended that you install all dependencies via the same package manager! When issues arise, they are much easier to track down, and your updating to newer versions is also much easier.

Many GNU Radio developers first install GNU Radio using MacPorts in order to get all of the necessary background dependencies installed, then remove just GNU Radio via

Compiling GNU Radio using Kate Temkins build script[edit]

Kate Temkin's GitHub repository gnuradio-for-mac-without-macports provides a build script that automate the entire process of building and installing GNUradio, it's dependencies, and a number of SDR hardware backends.

Compiling GNU Radio from Source[edit]

Installing GNU Radio from source follows the standard build guide, with changes to the cmake command such that it always finds the correct version of Python, uses the desired compiler, and finds Sphinx to build documentation.

For example, using Xcode 5 or later's Apple GCC (llvm flavor), MacPorts installed into /opt/local (the default), and for Python 2.7 (as installed by MacPorts), issue the following commands from within the GNU Radio source directory:

If make succeeds, then you can test the build for errors via

$ make test

To install the build, issue

Acdsee pro 10 serial number. $ sudo make install

Selecting another compiler is as simple as changing the CC and CXX pre-arguments to the cmake command. Note that all of the -DPYTHON* defines must point to the same install of Python, otherwise runtime errors are likely to occur. GR_PYTHON_DIR sets the location into which GNU Radio's Python and SWIG files are to be installed.

By default, the location where cmake built projects will be installed is /usr/local. To change this location, add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/new/location to the cmake command line, substituting in the actual desired path for /path/to/new/location. For example, to install into /opt/local, use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/local. Although we do not generally recommend installing into the same location as some other package manager does, this technique can be useful for debugging purposes; just remember to sudo make uninstall before installing via the owning package manager.

A note about GR_PYTHON_DIR CMake setting and the PYTHONPATH environment variable[edit]

In the above cmake command, we use the flag GR_PYTHON_DIR to tell GNU Radio where to install its Python scripts and related SWIG libraries. The path noted in that command will work for the MacPorts installed python2.7 command. All of the rest of the installed files will be under the /usr/local prefix -- the default CMake setting for when -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is not specified.

If you either do not set the GR_PYTHON_DIR flag, or use some other location, you might need to tell Python where to find the installed files. This is done by setting the environment variable PYTHONPATH to include this path. For example, if no GR_PYTHON_DIR or CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX flag is specified on the cmake command, then the default install directory will be /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages, and you'll want to set the PYTHONPATH such as the folllwing

export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

This setting might be in the file ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, or ~/.bash_profile.

When using a package manager such as MacPorts, for most users it is recommended to use the version of GNU Radio provided by the package manager, which will not require changing the PYTHONPATH since that package manager will automatically install the GNU Radio Python files where its Python will find them.

Upgrading to a new version of OSX on the same computer[edit]

When you upgrade OSX, you'll generally need to reinstall GNU Radio (and, all of its dependencies). If you are using MacPorts, you can follow their migration guide to do the reinstallation. You can always just remove all of the old installed files and/or reinstall over them.

Typical Errors and Warnings[edit]

Library not found[edit]

If you are compiling an out of tree module from source, some of them do not set the INSTALL_NAME by default. Without a correct set INSTALL_NAME, the library's self-id will be incorrect and the SWIG library will fail to be able to find the module's primary library. The actual runtime error will look like

Running otool -L on the libraries returns just the dependent library name without path, e.g.,

This issue has been fixed within GNU Radio and is in modtool, and has been propagated to many GR projects. The simple solution is to paste the following chunk of code into the module's top-level CMakeLists.txt file (just after GR_LIBRARY_DIR is defined):

Another solution is to change the installed main and SWIG libraries to have the correct settings. In the case above for gr-air-modes, one could do the following to fix the issue:

Warnings: GTK[edit]

When executing a GNU Radio GUI, including gnuradio-companion, GTK will produce the following warnings on OSX 10.8; they can safely be ignored:

Error: Unusable DISPLAY[edit]

When executing a GNU Radio GUI, including gnuradio-companion, from a terminal window (e.g.,,, when not the primary user or when the DISPLAY environment variable is not correctly set, one typically sees the following, regardless of OSX version:

followed by a host of related failed assertions and errors.

If you are using, you'll need to switch to another terminal application such as XQuartz/ or .

If you are already using an application that correctly sets the DISPLAY environment variable, then you'll want to make sure you're logged in as the primary user (e.g., not as su to another user). If all else fails, try quitting and restarting the application. Try rebooting your computer. When all else fails, contact Michael. Sony icd p320 driver for macbook pro.

Fatal error: 'unistd.h' file not found[edit]

If your install fails and you notice a line in the reported log file that says something like Fatal error: 'unistd.h' file not found, it's likely due to the path to the active developer tools not correctly setup. To fix, simply execute the following command:

xcode-select --install

A confirmation dialog box will pop-up and the tools will be installed. From here, re-kickstart the gnuradio installation and you should be good to go.

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Emacs built on the Mac OS supports many of its major features:multiple frames, colors, scroll bars, menu bars, use of the mouse,fontsets, international characters, input methods, coding systems, andsynchronous subprocesses (call-process). Much of this works inthe same way as on other platforms and is therefore documented in therest of this manual. This section describes the peculiarities of usingEmacs under the Mac OS.

The following features of Emacs are not yet supported on the Mac:unexec (dump-emacs), asynchronous subprocesses(start-process), and networking (open-network-stream).As a result, packages such as Gnus, GUD, and Comint do not work.

Since external programs to handle commands such asprint-buffer and diff are not available on the Mac OS,they are not supported in the Mac OS version.

AG.1 Keyboard Input on the MacKeyboard input on the Mac.
AG.2 International Character Set Support on the MacInternational character sets on the Mac.
AG.3 Environment Variables and Command Line Arguments.Setting environment variables for Emacs.
AG.4 Volumes and Directories on the MacVolumes and directories on the Mac.
AG.5 Specifying Fonts on the MacSpecifying fonts on the Mac.
AG.6 Mac-Specific Lisp FunctionsMac-specific Lisp functions.
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AG.1 Keyboard Input on the Mac

On the Mac, Emacs can use either the option key or thecommand key as the META key. Dolphin emulator lagging mac. If the value of the variablemac-command-key-is-meta is non-nil (its default value),Emacs uses the command key as the META key. Otherwise ituses the option key as the META key.

Most people should want to use the command key as the META key,so that dead-key processing with the option key will still work. This isuseful for entering non-ASCII Latin characters directly from the Mackeyboard, for example.

Emacs recognizes the setting in the Keyboard control panel andsupports international and alternative keyboard layouts (e.g., Dvorak).Selecting one of the layouts from the keyboard layout pull-down menuwill affect how the keys typed on the keyboard are interpreted.

The Mac OS intercepts and handles certain key combinations (e.g.,command-SPC for switching input languages). These will notbe passed to Emacs.

The Mac keyboard ordinarily generates characters in the Mac Romanencoding. To use it for entering ISO Latin-1 characters directly, setthe value of the variable mac-keyboard-text-encoding tokTextEncodingISOLatin1. Note that not all Mac Roman charactersthat can be entered at the keyboard can be converted to ISO Latin-1characters.

To enter ISO Latin-2 characters directly from the Mac keyboard, setthe value of mac-keyboard-text-encoding tokTextEncodingISOLatin2. Then let Emacs know that the keyboardgenerates Latin-2 codes, by typing C-x RET k iso-latin-2RET. To make this setting permanent, put this in your`.emacs' init file:

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Gnu Operating Systems

AG.2 International Character Set Support on the Mac

The Mac uses a non-standard encoding for the upper 128 single-bytecharacters. It also deviates from the ISO 2022 standard by usingcharacter codes in the range 128-159. The coding systemmac-roman is used to represent this Mac encoding. It is usedfor editing files stored in this native encoding, and for displayingfile names in Dired mode.

Any native (non-symbol) Mac font can be used to correctly displaycharacters in the mac-roman coding system.

The fontset fontset-mac is created automatically when Emacsis run on the Mac. It displays characters in the mac-romancoding system using 12-point Monaco.

To insert characters directly in the mac-roman coding system,type C-x RET k mac-roman RET, customize the optionkeyboard-coding-system, or put this in your init file:

This is useful for editing documents in native Mac encoding.

Gnu Operating System For Mac Os

You can use input methods provided either by LEIM (see section Q.4 Input Methods) or the Mac OS to enter international characters.

To use the former, see the International Character Set Support sectionof the manual (see section Q. International Character Set Support).

To use input methods provided by the Mac OS, set the keyboard codingsystem accordingly using the C-x RET k command(set-keyboard-coding-system). For example, for TraditionalChinese, use `chinese-big5' as keyboard coding system; forJapanese, use `sjis', etc. Then select the desired input method inthe keyboard layout pull-down menu.

The Mac clipboard and the Emacs kill ring (see section H.7 Deletion and Killing) areconnected as follows: the most recent kill is copied to the clipboardwhen Emacs is suspended and the contents of the clipboard is insertedinto the kill ring when Emacs resumes. The result is that you can yanka piece of text and paste it into another Mac application, or cut or copyone in another Mac application and yank it into a Emacs buffer.

The encoding of text selections must be specified using the commandsC-x RET x (set-selection-coding-system) or C-xRET X (set-next-selection-coding-system) (e.g., forTraditional Chinese, use `chinese-big5-mac' and for Japanese,`sjis-mac'). See section Q.9 Specifying a Coding System, for more details.

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AG.3 Environment Variables and Command Line Arguments.

Environment variables and command line arguments for Emacs can be setby modifying the `STR#' resources 128 and 129, respectively. A commonenvironment variable that one may want to set is `HOME'.

The way to set an environment variable is by adding a string of theform

to resource `STR#' number 128 using ResEdit. To set up theprogram to use unibyte characters exclusively, for example, add thestring

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AG.4 Volumes and Directories on the Mac

The directory structure in the Mac OS is seen by Emacs as

So when Emacs requests a file name, doing file name completion on`/' will display all volumes on the system. You can use `.'to go up a directory level.

To access files and folders on the desktop, look in the folder`Desktop Folder' in your boot volume (this folder is usuallyinvisible in the Mac Finder).

Emacs creates the Mac folder `:Preferences:Emacs:' in the`System Folder' and uses it as the temporary directory. Emacsmaps the directory name `/tmp/' to that. Therefore itis best to avoid naming a volume `tmp'. If everything workscorrectly, the program should leave no files in it when it exits. Youshould be able to set the environment variable TMPDIR to useanother directory but this folder will still be created.

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AG.5 Specifying Fonts on the Mac

It is rare that you need to specify a font name in Emacs; usuallyyou specify face attributes instead. But when you do need to specifya font name in Emacs on the Mac, use a standard X font name:

See section AE.7 Font Specification Options. Wildcards are supported as they are on X.

Native Apple fonts in Mac Roman encoding has maker name appleand charset mac-roman. For example 12-point Monaco can bespecified by the name `-apple-monaco-*-12-*-mac-roman'.

Gnu Operating System For Mac Operating System

Native Apple Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, andKorean fonts have charsets `big5-0', `gb2312.1980-0',`jisx0208.1983-sjis', and `ksc5601.1989-0', respectively.

Single-byte fonts converted from GNU fonts in BDF format, which are notin the Mac Roman encoding, have foundry, family, and character setsencoded in the names of their font suitcases. E.g., the font suitcase`ETL-Fixed-ISO8859-1' contains fonts which can be referred to bythe name `-ETL-fixed-*-iso8859-1'.

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AG.6 Mac-Specific Lisp Functions

The function do-applescript takes a string argument,executes it as an AppleScript command, and returns the result as astring.

The function mac-file-name-to-posix takes a Mac file name andreturns the GNU or Unix equivalent. The functionposix-file-name-to-mac performs the opposite conversion. Theyare useful for constructing AppleScript commands to be passed todo-applescript.

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This document was generatedon April 2, 2002using texi2html

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